The Public Works Department can provide information about the Town’s drinking water, wastewater, roads, parks (including the swimming pool and Community Center), sanitation (trash pick-up), and the Valley View Cemetery. Please scroll down to find useful information and announcements.
Contact the Public Works Department
Department Supervisor Bill Hernandez
Public Works Office located at 104 N. Main St.
Phone: 520-487-2331
Email: pubworks@townofmammoth.us
Public Works Hours are from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Here you will find Information about any Road Work in Process, Water Outages, Major Projects, ect… This area will post important information that may affect the daily routines of our residents in Mammoth.
Brush and Limb Pick Up for Occupied Residences $15.00 per load Updated 10-29-22
The Public Works Department will pick up brush and limbs, the resident must pay a fee of $15.00 per load at the Town Hall at the time the work order is scheduled. Call the Town Hall to schedule your pick-up.
Please keep in mind that this service is provided for a small fee. In return, the following guidelines apply:
- Please place the piles where they are accessible from the curb.
- The Town does not pick up weeds or garbage that can go into the trash cans. Please note that if garbage is mixed with branches, the entire pile will NOT be picked up.
- The Town cannot pick up branches that are too large for the Trailer or that cannot be lifted by the Public Works Crew.
- This service is meant for maintained clean up. Small piles that can be easily placed in the trailer.
Brush and Tree Branch Pick Up for Vacant Properties $30.00 per load Updated 10-29-22
As these properties tend to become overgrown over a period of time and exceed the amount of space for a maintained clean up; The Town and Public Works will provide pick up service for these properties at the Cost of $30.00 per Dump Truck Load. All loads must be placed where the loader and truck will have access and may not be on a public right of way. Please contact Planning and Zoning to arrange pick up of this type. Please note that if garbage or debris is mixed with brush and branches, the entire pile will NOT be picked up.
Dirt for fill (Not Clean Fill) $20.00 per Dump Truck Load. Updated 10-29-22
Note that the Public Works Crew will only place the dirt on the most accessible property close to property lines.
2021 Consumer Confidence Report
CCR202 Town of Mammoth Final (1) 2020
CCR 2019 Town of Mammoth Final 2019
Town of Mammoth Awarded Over $7.4 Million Dollars for Water System Improvements
Mammoth is currently in the process of repairing and replacing the water system throughout the town. This is part of the $7.4Million Water Project expected to be completed in mid to late 2022.
The Town of Mammoth Public Water System AZ04-11-018 serves the residents of the town through two wells located on San Manuel Drive (Well #4) and Tiger Drive (Well #5). The system includes two 250,000 gallon storage tanks and a booster pump station located on Rash Road.
The Town of Mammoth operates and maintains the wastewater treatment facility located at 14610 Highway 77 under Aquifer Protection Permit number P-101690.
The Town of Mammoth also has an APP (P-105647) and an AZPDES Permit (AZ0025470) for the Cielo Wastewater Treatment Plant. This plant is still in the planning stages.
The Town of Mammoth contracts with Waste Management for trash service. Trash is picked-up every Monday.
The Town of Mammoth, , operates the transfer station across from the Public Works Building on Main Street. The Transfer Station currently accepts metal (appliances, water heaters, etc.) and tires for recycling.
The public is always welcome to provide input on road repairs that need to be done. With the heavy rains we experienced this summer, there are many roads throughout the town that need attention. The roads will receive attention throughout the town as the water project concludes in 2023. Until then we will keep the roads in the best shape we can.
Little League Field and Playground
Softball Field
Soccer Field
Ysidro Ruiz Park
Valley View Park
Valley View Cemetery Rules and Regulations
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